+256 783 186 829 info@steadfastsafaris.com
+256 783 186 829 info@steadfastsafaris.com

Semuliki National Park

Semuliki National Park, nestled in the western part of Uganda, is a hidden gem awaiting discovery. Known for its diverse and unique ecosystems, this park offers a mesmerizing blend of wildlife, birdlife, and lush landscapes. Steadfast Safaris welcomes you to embark on a journey of exploration and adventure in Semuliki National Park.


Key Features:

  1. Diverse Ecosystems:
  • Habitats: Semuliki is renowned for its varied ecosystems, including tropical lowland rainforests, riverine forests, and grasslands.
  • Unique Features: Explore hot springs, such as the Sempaya Hot Springs, adding a touch of geothermal wonder to your adventure.
  1. Flora and Fauna:
  • Wildlife: Encounter a rich array of wildlife, including forest elephants, chimpanzees, buffaloes, and various monkey species.
  • Birdlife: Semuliki is a paradise for birdwatchers, with over 441 bird species, including the captivating lyre-tailed honeyguide, shoebill stork, and many more.
  1. Activities in Semuliki National Park:
  • Chimpanzee Tracking: Embark on an exciting chimpanzee tracking adventure and witness these intelligent primates in their natural habitat.
  • Bird Watching: Immerse yourself in the melodious symphony of birds as you explore the diverse bird species that call Semuliki home.
  • Nature Walks: Traverse the park’s lush landscapes on guided nature walks, discovering its hidden gems and encountering various wildlife.
  1. Location and Size:
  • Location: Situated in the western part of Uganda.
  • Size: Covering an expanse of natural beauty, The Park invites you to explore its 220 square kilometers.

Your Safari Awaits with Steadfast Safaris:

Steadfast Safaris invites you to uncover the wonders of Semuliki National Park. Whether you’re a nature enthusiast, wildlife lover, or avid birder, this park promises a unique and immersive experience. Join us as we guide you through the lush rainforests, vibrant grasslands, and captivating hot springs of Semuliki. Our expert guides and well-crafted itineraries ensure that your safari is filled with adventure, knowledge, and unforgettable moments. Choose Steadfast Safaris for an extraordinary journey into the heart of Semuliki National Park.

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